August 16, 2019 5 Comments
Want to make an easy and versatile, almost do- it - all - lotion? Look no further than these lotion bars, made with shea butter, cocoa butter, and coconut oil!
I first discovered lotion bars a few years ago, just after I had started making soaps and was looking to make more of our own skincare products. I was quite intrigued by how a product could be so versatile, both in form and in use. I first made it purely out of curiosity, never expecting it to 'work' or for me to love it! It has now become one of the sought-after products in our range.
By definition, a lotion bar/massage bar/body oil bar is really a solid oil bar, made of a good ratio of butters & waxes (think shea butter, cocoa butter, beeswax) and liquid oils, that melts in contact with your body heat! As the names suggest, it can be used as a daily lotion or a massage bar, offering good pressure to those sore muscles.
A well-formulated lotion bar should be hard enough not to easily melt in room temp, but have enough give to melt quickly once rubbed between warm hands. It should be more glidy and not too draggy on your skin. It also should absorb and penetrate into the skin fairly quickly and not feel too heavy, while leaving a protective barrier against dryness, without feeling greasy. It's a lot to ask from one product, but it's possible. It will all be a function of the particular oils and butters chosen. Different oils bring different characteristics depending on their fatty acid profiles. It is important to balance these very well in a lotion-bar to get that "just right" consistency.
Lotion bars are more versatile by nature, you can use them at home, or pop them into your handbag, due to their size. Use them as a daily moisturizer, a lipbalm, footbalm, under eye balm, a quick smear on the hair to seal in the moisture. They are easy to use. Just a quick rub between the hands should leave you with enough melted oils in your hands to rub anywhere on your body. This is one product you won't leave home with out once you start making some.
The best news is that they are absolutely easy to make, and you can choose to scent them or leave them unscented. So now you can go right ahead and make your own.
Here is what you need to make your own:
Yours in natural skincare
March 03, 2020
Can I have a price list of all the products you provide?
Do you sell unrifined shea butter and all the hair ingredient products?
November 19, 2019
What’s your policy on ‘sold out’ items?
Do I still place an order?
Do you have an estimated time as to when they’ll be available – OR do I wait till you have them in stock? Thanking you in advance.
October 07, 2019
Hi Siphokazi.
Thank you for reaching out. You will find all our prices, here on the website, under the tag “products”. Let me know if you need any assistance with navigating our website.
Kind regards
October 07, 2019
Hii I would like to find out about the price range…thanks
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October 20, 2023 4 Comments
May 08, 2020
I want to order 1kg sheabutter beeswax and cocoa butter I don’t see them on the products